Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Guitar Hero Wrist Watch Game

This Bad Larry is a tough one to throw away.  That's right.  It's a Guitar Hero wrist watch game from Burger King (I think?).  This game sucks for so many reasons:

ONE: It's really hard to play with only one hand, rendering the whole wrist watch concept pretty useless.

TWO:  It's poorly made and hard to play because it's crappy and came free with a cheeseburger, soda and fries with a retail value of three bucks.

THREE: Considering it's a rip off of a music video game, IT DOESN'T HAVE ANY SOUND.

Goodbye frustrating Guitar Hero wrist watch game.  You were helpful during the first few drafts of pirates when I would find you on my desk during cramped writer's block, but I have no room for you in my grown up writer life.  Aside from this moment in time in which I am writing about you of course. 

Damn.  You were useful up until your final moments. 

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