Monday, November 7, 2011

Doc Box

There are a half dozen shoe boxes to go through , but the box alone is important here.

My mother bought me this pair of Doc Martin boots for "back to school" in eighth grade at Newbury Comics and I couldn't have felt more awesome at the time.  I had to have them because Becky had them.
I'm still wearing them.  I started eighth grade thirteen years ago.  There is little to nothing left of them and they're worn unevenly because I walk unevenly.  They also still boast their original laces, one of which I can't really tie because I broke it.

There are two very distinct scuff marks on the toes of my boots from the very first time I ever got drunk.  I was visiting my sister at RISD and I think I was fifteen.  I tripped on a sidewalk coming home from a party at someone's house before turning her bedroom into a half-assed Discovery Zone with foam mats and jumping off her bed and encouraging everyone on the floor to do it with me.  I remember that I hadn't worn them very much yet and that Mom was going to be so mad that I put two huge scratches in the toes of my boots.

 I also remember I was at the height of cool and the CD I had in my Discman (yes, that's right) at the time was a highlight CD from The Brak Show, a Space Ghost spin-off.  It wasn't cool enough to have a random CD from an underground cartoon.  I had to have the CD from the under ground spin-off.

I have worn those boots all over the country now and parts of Canada.  I feel that they should be on this blog somewhere too, but for now, I'll just get rid of the box.

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