Judging by the date on this, it has to be from my eighth grade semi-formal.
I don't recall it being called anything so glamorous as a Starlit Serenade, but I guess the sparkly star doesn't lie. I do, however remember that my dress was green and unappealing and that Chris Lukos was my date and neither of us wanted to go but felt like we had to. He wore a red t-shirt under his black vest and we ended up having a fun time. I don't know why we would've received stars with our names on them as party favors (pretty lame party favor!) but I guess I wanted to keep it so that I might conjure up memories of standing by the wall in the cafeteria talking about drama club, the upcoming summer, and how no one could believe Martha bought a pink dress, including Martha.
I have a few fabulous pictures from this evening as well that depict all of us standing there. We weren't big dancers and we were too busy loving our ska music to know any of the current hits. I feel like it was a bad era for hits anyway.
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