Monday, November 7, 2011

Messenger Bag Strap

This charming collection was neatly secured in a ziplock bag.  I remember it well.  This is everything that was pinned or sewn onto the strap of my messenger bag in early high school.

I had the trademark behavior of the age and advertised the bands I was listening to everywhere possible.  Reel Big Fish I definitely still love, but I laugh now at how important I felt Kicked In The Head and The Sellouts were.  Definitely fun, but not worthy of the Till-I-Die praise I offered at the time.  I'm still convinced mom threw away my Kicked In The Head t-shirt when I wasn't looking.  As for the W.W.J.D. bracelet, it was a gift from a friend at Jesus Camp (Group Work Camps, Christian-based Habitat For Humanities type camp).  I never knew how to believe in something like that, so I put my faith in ska and punk and hung on to the sentiment.

It was important to remember my own name, as I did in beads sewn on, as well as the time since I felt it important to sew the old face of my childhood swatch watch onto the strap as well.  It also seemed very important (doubly important, even) that I went to the Hard Rock Cafe even though I have no recollection of ever going there until I was a senior in high school and at that point I was far cooler and wore my Burton Snowboards back pack to school.  Those pins remain a mystery.

The bag itself is long gone and I think I hung onto this small set of memories as a price of donating the bag to goodwill.  It was navy blue and it had a few light blue flowers on it and I bought it at Pacific Sunwear.  I felt that since I was very rock and roll and anti-conformity (even thought I wasn't really sure what that meant at the time), I definitely couldn't be carrying my L.L. Bean backpack that had my initials on it and I definitely needed a messenger bag.  I was a damn fool because nothing fit in it and I had just started advanced placement classes which pretty much required luggage to take the books home.

And I wore this bag over my green high school varsity letterman jacket.  So much for being anti.

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