Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Star Wars Things Are Hard To Get Rid Of #1

I always find it really hard to part with Star Wars paraphernalia.  I think it's my favorite entertainment franchise of all time and whenever anyone asks me what my favorite movie is, I always stay "Star Wars.  All six of them.  Even the prequels that nobody likes."

Star Wars was the first thing I really developed a geek obsession with.  For nerds, your first franchise love is just as important as the first love of your life.  Star Wars makes me feel good and warm and safe.  I've loved it since I was a little girl.  It reminds me of my dad and most of my favorite friends have all shared a similar love for it.  I was Han Solo for Halloween last year.  I have the Encyclopedia.  I read the books in junior high.  I was writing Star Wars fan fiction before I even knew what fan fiction was.  I used to know the ins and outs of the entire Star Wars universe better than my own family tree.  I've only ever lost Star Wars trivial pursuit one time in my life.  The page of my dairy from my thirteenth birthday is a one page illustration exclaiming how thrilled I was to receive Star Wars Monopoly.

However, I'm in a relationship with someone who neither obsesses over nerdy things, nor has she seen the Star Wars movies.  We watched The Empire Strikes Back (best one) one night when I was really upset, but we both fell asleep.  Since it's dark most of the time for the next four months here in Maine, I'm sure I will be trading romantic comedies for science fiction, but stuff like this little piece has got to go. 

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